速報APP / 工具 / AppWererabbit (DONATE) Key

AppWererabbit (DONATE) Key





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:New Territories, Hong Kong.

AppWererabbit (DONATE) Key(圖1)-速報App

As of v7.0.0, AppWererabbit is fully free.

If you like any of my apps, and wish to make a donation, just download this app, and keep it install for at least one hour, so as not to trigger an auto refund. Thanks.

Important: On Android 8.0 (API level 26) or above, the app may not works due to "Background execution limits" introduced in Oreo to improve battery life.

To overcome this, follow below steps:

(1) goto the "App info" screen

(2) then select "Battery > Battery optimization"

AppWererabbit (DONATE) Key(圖2)-速報App

(3) set filter "All apps"

(4) locate and select AppWererabbit (PRO) Key

(5) select "Don't optimize", then "DONE"

(6) restart app to confirm is working

This is not a standalone app, but a license key for AppWererabbit (v6.6.0 or below).

Install AppWererabbit from https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aw.AppWererabbit

AppWererabbit (DONATE) Key(圖3)-速報App

Thank you for your support.

*** Re-Distribution of the PRO-Key apk file outside Google Play Store is prohibited ***

AppWererabbit (DONATE) Key(圖4)-速報App